9 Digital Marketing Tips To Grow Your Business in 2021

Digital Marketing

9 Digital Marketing Tips To Grow Your Business in 2021

By Nakia Corwin 3 years ago Digital Marketing

Top 9 Digital Marketing Tips to Consider in 2021

1. Understand Your Target Audience

As a marketer, understanding your audience is significant.

Knowing your target audience and understanding them is the most important step in the marketing plan of any business.

To understand your audience, you should research and analyze customer data – such as queries, engagements, and buying trends.

This will reveal your customer’s needs, motivations, and factors influencing their buying behavior.

Once you understand your customers, you should create buyer personas. This will help you to attract, engage, convert and delight your customers in a way that ensures high ROI.

2. Market Your Website Using SEO/SEM

Marketing your website using SEO/SEM is a must for any business. Both SEO and SEM drive visitors to your website through search engines. But both are very different in service.

Search engine marketing, or SEM, is one of the effective ways to grow your business in a competitive marketplace, in a short time.

With many businesses out there all running for the same goal, it’s more important to advertise online.

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is the process of achieving top position on SERP, for a given query/keyword.

To achieve your goals, it’s very important to understand – how to position and optimize your website through SEO/SEM.


SEO is an organic search strategy. SEM is a paid search strategy.

3. Optimize Your Website for Mobile Devices

Year on year people are spending more time on their mobile phones and tablets. But many websites are still not designed to opt for different screen sizes and load times.

Mobile optimization is the process of optimizing your website for mobile devices to provide better user experience.

Mobile optimization involves responsive web design, website structure, page speed optimization, and more to make sure you’re not turning mobile visitors away.

If your site is already well optimized for search engines, there are few more things you have to focus on when optimizing for mobile devices.

Steps To Follow for Mobile Optimization

  • Test your website with Mobile-Friendly Tool
  • Use AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)
  • Install Schema Markup
  • Adapt to Responsive Web Design
  • Compress Website Images
  • Check Page-loading Speed
  • Create a Consistent User Experience
  • Defer Javascript & CSS 
  • Redesign your Popups for Mobile Device
  • Create a Mobile App

4. Build a Strong Social Media Presence

Is your brand active, successful on social media presence?

If your potential customers are active on social media, it’s essential for you to do the same. Staying active on social media helps you to boost your visibility, customer engagement, and sales.

Establishing a strong social media presence comes with many advantages. Such as enhanced customer engagement, improved brand loyalty, and trust.

Your active presence on Social Media is mandatory to meet the competitive world. If you haven’t started yet, don’t panic: it’s never been too late.

Now is the time for your brand to get active on Social Media.

“Social Media Marketing is the act of creating content to promote your business and products on various social media platforms, that drive website traffic or attention through social media sites.”

Gaining traffic is that all enough for your results?

What do you do to reach your audience on social media?

Just create Content…

Here are a few steps to build your social media presence in a quick phase, which helps you to skyrocket your business:

  • Identify your objectives and set smart goals
  • Identify your right audience
  • Be human
  • Understand their needs and build relationships
  • Use creative visuals
  • Share with everyone
  • Post daily to stay active
  • Piggyback on what is trending
  • Tackle customer complaints instantly
  • Create a strategic calendar and stick to it
  • Have a regular look at your analytics

5. Personalize Your Marketing Messages

Marketing personalization, also referred to as personalized marketing with emails or one-to-one marketing.

It is the practice of using data to deliver brand messages targeted to a respective prospect.

Personalized marketing is a strategy that you can incorporate with your business’ marketing media. Such as personalized emails, social media, and blogs, to generate better results.

Get data, data, and more data. And it all starts with data..

Personalized marketing involves collecting your customer’s data and crafting marketing experiences for them.

Benefits of Personalized Marketing

Personalized Marketing will be a precise and powerful tool when used right.

Marketers have been using this strategy for decades to achieve their business goals.

The more data you gather, the deeper you analyze, and the more you’ll discover about your customers.

Data helps you understand what your customers are looking for. And when they make contact with your business.

Once you’ve done that, you can serve them what they need the moment they need it.

By personalizing your marketing messages, you’ll get happier enough, with more loyal customers.

6. Use Email Marketing to Connect with Your Customers

Many say email marketing is dead. But, it’s not.

In fact, Email Marketing is still one of the best marketing strategies in 2021.

So: How can you make your email marketing interesting for your audience?

How to reach their inbox and do something different from your competitors?

With all the digital marketing tips and strategies available, what makes email marketing the best of other mediums?

Because Email is a mode of communication that’s accepted around the world.

Let’s quickly jump into some techniques on how to connect with your customers with creative email marketing campaigns:

  • Create an Email Marketing Plan
  • Design your Emails
  • Create a Catchy and Powerful Subject Line
  • Have an Engaging Content
  • Create a Welcome Signature for your Brand
  • Segment your list of customers to reach out to the best
  • Send Personalization Mails
  • Automate Instant and Polite Responses
  • Keep your Emails Focused

7. Start Using Video Marketing

Around 87% of marketers are using video in their marketing campaigns.

In Video Marketing, you use videos to market your brand, products, or services. Videos are effective for engaging and educating your customers.

In 2021, Video Marketing is effective among other marketing activities as videos claim more than 80% of all web traffic.

Types of Video Marketing that Boosts your Business:

1.Brand Videos

Brand Videos are often used for large advertising campaigns.

Videos of these types help to improve brand awareness and increase traffic. It usually indicates the brand’s introduction, mission, vision, culture, products, and services.

2. Explainer / How-To Videos / Educational Videos

Explainer Videos are attractive and informative for viewers, who are looking for a detailed study about a product or a service.

Explainer Videos helps to explain how your product/service works and how it benefits your target audience?

3. Case Study / Customer Testimonial Videos

A Case Study or a Testimonial Video of your business is a great way of increasing your brand’s trust and credibility. These videos influence your target customers decision flowing through the sales funnel.

It creates a social proof, where your targeted audience needs to know that your product/service is the perfect solution for their needs.

4. Animated Videos

Animated Videos are attention-grabbing concepts, which allows you to explore your brand in the form of animations. Animated videos find to be eye-catching and entertaining to expose a brand.

8. Host or Join Podcasts

Podcasting is a great place to share your experiences and insights. It enhances business owners, entrepreneurs, and marketers to interact with their audiences.

As a result, podcast marketing has shown success with 1,750,000 active podcasts running all over the world till now.

Almost 55% of the U.S. population and 80% of people around are listening to most of the podcast episodes in a week.

To Host / Join your Podcasts Follow these Steps:

  • Come up with a concept. Let it be a topic, name, and target length for each episode.
  • Pick a co-host and set a format.
  • Design artwork and write a description content to promote your podcast.
  • Record and edit your audio files with a microphone.
  • Find a platform to host and upload your podcast
  • Syndicate your audio files for distribution

9. Use Data Analytics

Data Analytics is the process of analyzing raw data to find current insights and trends.

Every business should understand the opportunities and challenges that help them grow.

Data can help you to understand your audiences, personalize your content, and improve your marketing campaigns.

How Data Analytics can work for your business?

  • Know What You Need
  • Use Data Analytics or Invest in Tools to Understand Data
  • Gain Better Insights
  • Turn Insights into Actions


Digital Marketing plays a valuable role in shaping consumer behavior in today’s competitive world.

It is important to plan and practice a Digital Marketing strategy that helps your business’s growth.

So, where do you start if your business wants to develop a Digital Marketing Strategy? Hope that you are in the right place!

source - https://www.dezvolta.com/blog/9-digital-marketing-tips-to-grow-your-business-in-2021/


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